My Draft Logo Project

Hello everyone! I am so excited to share my draft of my of logo project with you! As I mentioned, I am creating a logo that can represent myself. I can put the logo on my future art works and people will recognize my art works by seeing my logo.  Since my topic is about my dream of doing art, I think it will be a good idea to do for my logo project.

The main inspiration of designing this logo was the poster that I designed on my last photoshop project. Many of my classmates like the idea that I used the cat as a symbol of chasing our own dreams. I really glad that others like it, so I designed to creates my logo as a image of cat again. I think it will be really cute and it can also represent who I am.

There are a lot of differences between the sketch of my logo and the draft of it. When sketching the draft of the logo, I didn’t think a lot about to make it looks professional. There comes the problem when I really producing it. After I make it looks like my sketch, it doesn’t looks good at all. It has too much going on for a logo, so I decided to simplified it.

The main tool that I used was the polygon tool, I used it to create most of the shape of my logo, especially the shape of the cat. I used the type on a path tool to put my name on the logo. Some technique such as creating the dashed line is also used. I spent a lot of time to pick the color that I think it matches me. Furthermore, I have expanded the appearance so the logo can be scalable.

A technique that I found really useful is to save the color create swatches. I learned this technique in the Illustrator tutorial and it does helps me a lot. By creating swatches, I won’t lose the color that I favored by accident.

Thank you for reading my post and I hope you like my draft logo!


3 thoughts on “My Draft Logo Project

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  1. Thank you for all your comments! I am very thankful for all your time and the helpful feedback! One of the comments that I received is about the name that I put on my logo is not so eye-catching. I do it for a reason so let me explain that a little bit. I will like the cat in the logo present myself than my name in this logo. Because I want to put this logo in the artworks that I created, I don’t want my name to become the spotlight of my artwork. However, I should explain this in my draft logo post, so that’s my bad. Moreover, the dashed line that I put around my logo is trying to make my logo looks like a stamp or a sticker. I am still considering what changes that I should make for my logo, I may try to make it more like a stamp or a sticker by changing the dashed line as one of my classmates have mentioned.


  2. I love cats and pastel colors, so I think your design is really cute. I really like the colors you used, they match well together. This logo matches your graphic well with the cat and the lighter colors. I don’t know what else you can add or change with this, I think it is quite good how it is now.


  3. I think you did a good job creating a logo that puts forward consistent theme with shapes, and offers a consistent color scheme. Specifically, I liked the way you kept a pastel color scheme throughout. These can be very effective at pleasing the eye as you can really pick any variety of colors and as long as they are kept in the same shade they are friendly and inviting to the viewer. I hate to lose the consistency of this theme, but one suggestion might be to have the slightest black outline on the text to give it a little pop and stand out from the rest. The only other suggestion I can think of is just finalizing the inside of the right ear to center the triangle more. I think you have a very well executed concept!


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